Monday, February 16, 2015

[Off Topic] Hsieh Forbes Column: "Why You Should Record Your Doctor Visits"

[Off topic] My latest Forbes piece is now out: "Why You Should Record Your Doctor Visits".

Here is the opening:
NBC's Brian Williams has gone from being a respected news anchor to the butt of Internet jokes after he recanted a false story about being shot down in a helicopter over Iraq. As a result of the subsequent controversy, NBC has suspended Williams without pay for 6 months -- essentially costing him $5 million.

But whether or not Williams' story was an innocent "false memory" or a deliberate lie, it is the case that false or unreliable memories are a surprisingly common phenomenon. In a health care setting, patients' false memories of medical conversations might cost them more than money -- it might even endanger their lives. Hence, patients may wish to record their doctors' visits to protect themselves...
During my research for this piece, I learned that "40-80% of medical information provided by healthcare practitioners is forgotten immediately" and "almost half of the information that is remembered is incorrect" (!)

Fortunately, modern technology now makes it easier for patients to record these important discussions with physicians, for instance with a smartphone.

For more information on the benefits of this practice, read the full text of "Why You Should Record Your Doctor Visits".