Monday, September 08, 2014

Diana Hsieh and Greg Perkins on Net Neutrality

On Sunday's episode of Philosophy in Action Radio, my wife Diana Hsieh and co-host Greg Perkins answered a question on net neutrality. The question was:
Should "net neutrality" be law? Lately, many people on the left have been advocating for "net neutrality." What is it? What would its effects be? What are the arguments for and against it? If it shouldn't be law, might private "net neutrality" be a good thing?
Her Answer, In Brief: While the concerns motivating calls for net neutrality are often very real, the diagnosis of the problem and the proposed solution is deeply misguided. A freer internet requires less government regulation, not more. Download or Listen to the Full Answer:

Tags: Business, Egalitarianism, Fraud, Government, Internet, Law, Politics, Progressivism, Property Rights, Rights, Technology


To comment on this question or her answer, visit its comment thread.

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