Monday, January 31, 2011
"$3 Million Prize Offered to Solve Hospital Admissions Puzzle".
Basically, it's the medical equivalent of the Netflix prize, except to help predict which patients in a large population will require an unplanned hospital admission. The goal would be to target these patients with appropriate care prior to the hospital event, thus saving lives, money, and time.
Basically, it's the medical equivalent of the Netflix prize, except to help predict which patients in a large population will require an unplanned hospital admission. The goal would be to target these patients with appropriate care prior to the hospital event, thus saving lives, money, and time.
Axe Cop: The Movie
If you haven't heard of AxeCop, here's some background information. And the original comic for Episode 1. (Via BBspot.)
If you haven't heard of AxeCop, here's some background information. And the original comic for Episode 1. (Via BBspot.)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Six month photographic exposure:

"The lowest arc in the photo is the sun's trail on the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice. The highest arc is the summer solstice. The lines which are punctuated by dots represent overcast days when the sun penetrated the clouds only intermittently."

"The lowest arc in the photo is the sun's trail on the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice. The highest arc is the summer solstice. The lines which are punctuated by dots represent overcast days when the sun penetrated the clouds only intermittently."
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The 12 word clouds for horoscopes are essentially independent of the actual astrological sign.
As a bonus, you also get a meta-horoscope which pretty much works for everyone!
As a bonus, you also get a meta-horoscope which pretty much works for everyone!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
"Netflix spends 20 times more on postage than bandwidth".
This may explain their desire to encourage customers to rent movies by streaming. (Via @JonHenke.)
This may explain their desire to encourage customers to rent movies by streaming. (Via @JonHenke.)
Why Facebook apps that claim to show you who's been looking at your profile are not real.
(There are legitimate apps that show who has left the most comments/likes on your wall or who has recently unfriended you.)
(There are legitimate apps that show who has left the most comments/likes on your wall or who has recently unfriended you.)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Safety tip of the day: Don't use a live grenade as a bookend.
Safety tip #2: If you ignore the above tip, do NOT pull the friggin' pin.
Safety tip #2: If you ignore the above tip, do NOT pull the friggin' pin.
"Why the Internet Is a Great Tool for Totalitarians".
Like all technologies (gunpowder, electricity, lasers, etc.), the internet can be harnessed for good or evil.
Like all technologies (gunpowder, electricity, lasers, etc.), the internet can be harnessed for good or evil.
Monday, January 17, 2011
"British military scientists plan to develop an army of 'invisible' tanks ready for use on the battlefield within five years":
Armoured vehicles will use a new technology known as "e-camouflage" which deploys a form "electronic ink" to render a vehicle "invisible".(Via Technabob and Cosmic Log.)
Highly sophisticated electronic sensors attached to the tank's hull will project images of the surrounding environment back onto the outside of the vehicle enabling it to merge into the landscape and evade attack.
The electronic camouflage will enable the vehicle to blend into the surrounding countryside in much the same way that a squid uses ink to help as a disguise.
Unlike conventional forms of camouflage, the images on the hull would change in concert with the changing environment always insuring that the vehicle remains disguised.
Clever design: "Motorola's Atrix Android phone leads secret double life as a netbook".
Basically, the smartphone docks into a netbook shell, serving as the processor/memory.
Basically, the smartphone docks into a netbook shell, serving as the processor/memory.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
These cats didn't seem to enjoy zero-gravity:
In contrast, this dog is totally fine with zero-G:
(Via MeFi.)
In contrast, this dog is totally fine with zero-G:
(Via MeFi.)
"Drunk scientists pour wine on superconductors and make an incredible discovery".
No, really. (Via SDW.)
No, really. (Via SDW.)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
IBM's Watson vs. humans on Jeopardy. Includes must-see video of the practice match.
Plus quotes from the interview with the human contestants:
Plus quotes from the interview with the human contestants:
Q: Humans, do you feel any pressure competing with Watson?
A: Brad isn't worried about Watson, but afraid of "Watson's progeny when they come back from the future to kill me."
Ken says he was warned by a friend, "Remember John Henry.' Ken's response: "Screw that, remember John Connor!"
Thursday, January 13, 2011
"The woolly mammoth could be brought back to life in as little as four years thanks to a breakthrough in cloning technology."
Your Zodiac sign may have changed.
Best response so far: "If I were the zodiac killer I would be so pissed right now." (Via Hanah V.)
Best response so far: "If I were the zodiac killer I would be so pissed right now." (Via Hanah V.)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Why Caltech is different:
The "no legacies" and "no racial preferences" policies are especially interesting. Given how rigorous the school is, it would simply be cruel to admit a legacy student or "underrepresented racial category" student who couldn't otherwise handle the academic pace. It also means that if you're a black or Hispanic student at Caltech, everyone there knows you are there because you met the same admission standards as the white and Asian students, rather than being stigmatized with the "affirmative action" label.
And even though I'm a proud alumnus of MIT, Caltech is purer in how it applies its meritocratic principles.
(Via Marginal Revolution.)
Of the top two dozen or so elite universities in America only one has managed both to avoid the craziness of the post-60s intellectual fads, and to establish something pretty close to a pure meritocracy -- California Institute of Technology, which has not received the general recognition among academics that it clearly deserves...(Read the full text.)
If you can't meet the stellar performance requirements and show an intense love for science and mathematics, Caltech isn't interested in you and will not lower its standards. When you apply to Caltech the admissions committee is interested only in your intellectual merit and passion for learning. It has little or no interest in your family heritage, your race, or your skill in slapping around a hockey puck...
Perhaps the most striking difference from all other elite universities -- including institutions like MIT and the University of Chicago which forgo athletic recruitment -- is Caltech's complete indifference to racial balancing.
In a state and a region of the country with the largest Hispanic population, Caltech's entering freshmen class in 2008 was less than 6 percent Hispanic (13 out of 236). The unwillingness to lower standards for a larger black representation is even more striking -- less than 1 percent (2/236) of Caltech's 2008 entering freshmen were listed as "non-Hispanic black".
This "underrepresentation" of blacks and Hispanics, of course, was more than made up for by the huge "overrepresentation" of Asians. Only 4 percent of the U.S. population, Asians made up a whopping 40 percent of the incoming freshmen class in 2008, a slightly larger proportion than the 39 percent figure for whites.
Applicants to Caltech are clearly seen as representing only themselves and their own individual merit and achievement, not their race or their ethnic group.
The "no legacies" and "no racial preferences" policies are especially interesting. Given how rigorous the school is, it would simply be cruel to admit a legacy student or "underrepresented racial category" student who couldn't otherwise handle the academic pace. It also means that if you're a black or Hispanic student at Caltech, everyone there knows you are there because you met the same admission standards as the white and Asian students, rather than being stigmatized with the "affirmative action" label.
And even though I'm a proud alumnus of MIT, Caltech is purer in how it applies its meritocratic principles.
(Via Marginal Revolution.)
"MIT Media Lab Prints Out a Sweet-Sounding Flute with a 3-D Printer". Includes cool video.
(Via Transterrestrial Musings, who notes "This will be a very disruptive technology...")
(Via Transterrestrial Musings, who notes "This will be a very disruptive technology...")
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Why the Chinese government is having trouble mandating Linux use.
It's a combination of the "outlaw mentality" amongst many users -- plus all the Windows games!
It's a combination of the "outlaw mentality" amongst many users -- plus all the Windows games!
Friday, January 07, 2011
Off-topic: The January 7, 2011 RealClearMarkets published my OpEd, "A Defense of High-Frequency Trading".
(My original title was, "I, For One, Welcome Our New Robotic Trading Overlords".)
(My original title was, "I, For One, Welcome Our New Robotic Trading Overlords".)
Thursday, January 06, 2011
McArdle: "Bye, Bye, Borders?"
I particularly agree with McArdle's point:
I particularly agree with McArdle's point:
The bigger problem is that while Borders lets me find things I'm not looking for, Amazon always lets me find the things that I am. In the good old days of local bookstores, I frequently went without books that I knew I wanted, because it was such a pain in the butt to order them. Now if I know I want to read a book, I can do so in short order. Ultimately, this is a bigger boon than the occasional undiscovered gem -- particularly since there are still libraries...I might miss my local Borders. But as an avid reader, I'm glad to be living in the Amazon era.
"Illinois researchers have demonstrated an acoustic cloak, a technology that renders underwater objects invisible to sonar and other ultrasound waves"
"8pen Android Typing App Reinvents The Keyboard".
(Not sure how steep the learning curve would be...)
(Not sure how steep the learning curve would be...)
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Off topic: The Washington Times has published my latest OpEd, "Best Health Care Political Pull Can Buy".
"Cheap DNA Sequencer Size Of A Printer". Moore's Law marches on.
(Via Instapundit. I also covered some related political aspects last year at, "Should You Be Allowed to Know What's in Your DNA?")
(Via Instapundit. I also covered some related political aspects last year at, "Should You Be Allowed to Know What's in Your DNA?")
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
"A German businessman is getting around a law banning incandescent bulbs by selling them as 'Heat Balls'".

(Via Rand Simberg.)

(Via Rand Simberg.)
California police can search a suspect's cell-phone text messages without a warrant. More info here.
(Via GMSV.)
(Via GMSV.)
How NFL footballs are made:
As Kottke notes, "Every football used in the NFL for the past 20-30 years has been made by Deb, Loretta, Peg, Glen, Emmitt, Tina, Etta Mae, Pam, and Michelle."
As Kottke notes, "Every football used in the NFL for the past 20-30 years has been made by Deb, Loretta, Peg, Glen, Emmitt, Tina, Etta Mae, Pam, and Michelle."
"Chrome OS Knows Your Every Move".
(Of course, some users may be completely fine with trading their personal information for an OS and/or browser that better meets their needs, provided all parties agree to the exchange.)
(Of course, some users may be completely fine with trading their personal information for an OS and/or browser that better meets their needs, provided all parties agree to the exchange.)
Off topic: PajamasMedia has just published my latest OpEd, "Will the GOP Walk the Walk on the Constitution?"
Monday, January 03, 2011
Video of the day: "Nature By Numbers"
For a more on how the Fibonacci sequence relates to the biological examples shown, see this explanatory page, "Nature by Numbers: The theory behind this movie"
For a more on how the Fibonacci sequence relates to the biological examples shown, see this explanatory page, "Nature by Numbers: The theory behind this movie"
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Yes, this Kindle book costs over $6400. Just don't accidentally hit the "Buy Now With 1-Click" button!
(The customer reviews are also quite entertaining. Via Marginal Revolution.)
(The customer reviews are also quite entertaining. Via Marginal Revolution.)
Ubuntu Linux tablet.
Reportedly includes Atom 1.66 GHz CPU, 10-inch capactive touchscreen, 2 Gb RAM and a 32Gb SSD hard drive. Could be nice alternative to iPad or Android tablets.
Reportedly includes Atom 1.66 GHz CPU, 10-inch capactive touchscreen, 2 Gb RAM and a 32Gb SSD hard drive. Could be nice alternative to iPad or Android tablets.
These 1993 "You Will" ads from ATT offered surprisingly good predictions of future technology:
(Via Kevin W.)
(Via Kevin W.)
Wired vs. NYT on flash trading:
It's especially interesting to contrast the Wired story ("Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street") with the more alarmist NYT story ("The New Speed of Money, Reshaping Markets").
Both stories cover many of the same basic facts. But the Wired story puts more emphasis on the challenges and opportunities the new technology poses for rational actors in the marketplace.
In contrast, the NYT story asks "whether the technology is getting dangerously out of control", whether it's "fairer" that those willing to invest in better technology should be able to reap higher rewards, and plight of the poor regulators "struggling to keep up with the pace of innovation".
It's especially interesting to contrast the Wired story ("Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street") with the more alarmist NYT story ("The New Speed of Money, Reshaping Markets").
Both stories cover many of the same basic facts. But the Wired story puts more emphasis on the challenges and opportunities the new technology poses for rational actors in the marketplace.
In contrast, the NYT story asks "whether the technology is getting dangerously out of control", whether it's "fairer" that those willing to invest in better technology should be able to reap higher rewards, and plight of the poor regulators "struggling to keep up with the pace of innovation".
Saturday, January 01, 2011
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