I've built a complete SheepShaver install, including _everything_ needed to run, as well as the last version of WordPerfect and several utilities. To download this 243mb image, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wordperfectmac, to the Links section, to the "SheepShaver and Basilisk" folder, and click "SheepShaver-WordPerfect Install". It's about 20 minutes on a fast connection.I downloaded his install as well as a copy of "Strategic Conquest" from Delta Tao (purchased for $24.95), and it works like a charm! The SheepShaver software nicely emulates a Macintosh PPC running OS 7.5 with 256 colors.
Now I just have to figure out if I have enough air cover to plan a successful amphibious invasion of the enemy continent...